5-1650 Johnston Rd., Invermere, B.C.- 250-342-7590


Schöni Wood Oven Bread
Schöni Wood Oven Bread
Schöni Wood Oven Bread
Schöni Wood Oven Bread

Chia Seed

With the super grain organic chia seed: high in fiber, omega 3s, calcium, anti-oxidants, etc., not to mention the organic brown rice, oats, and kefir…a nutritious must try!

Born and raised in Invermere, Bread to win your ? forever

(contains dairy), with sprouted grains: another favourite – with the super grain organic chia seed: high in fiber, omega 3s, calcium, anti-oxidants, etc., not to mention the organic brown rice, oats, and kefir…a nutritious must try!