After freezing bread, take off any plastic as soon as you can and let it thaw in paper or
naked at room temperature.
To re-fresh the crust, simply reheat for a maximum of 10-15 minutes at 300 – 350 degrees
Fahrenheit, depending on your oven (bread connoisseurs like to spritz a little water onto
the loaf first). The loaf should come out just as if it was fresh out of the oven the very
first day!
For delicate breads such as the chocolate ones, reheat for just a few minutes at 200-250 degrees Fahrenheit.
Option 2: (no thawing time needed)
Remove all wrapping/paper bag from the frozen loaf. Bake the frozen loaf in an oven preheated to 375 degress Fahrenheit for 9 minutes. Turn oven off and leave loaf in for another 5 minutes.